Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Fall Capsule Wardrobe

I am SO excited about this post.  It's been weeks in the works.  Over the past month or so, I've pared down all of my clothes for every season.  I have NEVER been organized, but I am trying harder, starting with my wardrobe.

I first started seeing "capsule wardrobes" pop up on Pinterest about a year ago. The idea was really cool--a simple wardrobe that generally goes together so you can mix and match pieces.  Fall will be the first season of me officially doing this.

This was my inspiration and what I drew heavily from: http://theproject333.com/getting-started/

I'll be putting all of my summer pieces away and retiring (donating/throwing away) things I am done with or don't particularly enjoy wearing.

I have a few more pieces that I'll save for my winter capsule.  A lot of my fall capsule can switch over to winter, but there are a few pieces I'll switch out/add.

My capsule is really top heavy.  Like really top heavy.  I am missing a pair of jeans (how do clothes go missing?!) that I will add when I find them, making me have 4 bottoms.  I think that is sufficient for me as I have a few favorites I would wear all the time anyway.

So enough talking!  Here it is.  Forgive me for the terrible pictures.  I couldn't wait until morning light to take pictures to post.

Here is the breakdown:

1 pair of jeans
1 pair of slacks
1 pair of leggings
3 sweater dresses
1 pencil skirt
4 sweaters
5 t-shirts (long/short sleeve)
1 thin jersey cardigan
2 blouses
4 jersey scarves
2 belts
3 pairs of shoes
3 camis/tanks
31 pieces total
The whole capsule

5 tshirts, 2 blouses, cardigan

3 sweater dresses, pencil skirt

Jersey infinity scarves

4 sweaters

Leggings, jeans, slacks
<3 Dani

Friday, September 27, 2013

Sitting Room transformation/Autumn Decor

As time moves further and further from Adelaide's birth, I am able to get a little more done.  I LOVE fall.  Besides being the season with my birthday, it also hosts the most beautiful colors, smells, and sights.  Here are a few pictures of my new favorite room in the house.  I was SO excited to put this room together and I am so happy with how it turned out.

Before!  Hideous, dark paneling...and look at that awkward room shape!

The paint in progress.  We walked into Lowes with no idea what color to paint this room.  We bravely decided on this golden yellow.  I'm so glad we did.
Accent chairs from Ross, couch and tables from Value City Furniture

Art from Ross, pillar holder from yard sale ($1!!)

Pencils from HomeGoods

Tealight holders and garland from Dollar Tree

I love me some Southern Living and a good candle (though this is not a very good candle)

Art from Family Dollar (I know, I was surprised they make nice canvas art prints too).


Thursday, November 29, 2012

It's Christmas Time in the Country...

I LOVE Christmas.  I love the sights, smells, sounds, tastes...everything!  Plus, the fact that the reason for the season is so close to my heart.

This is our first year having a house, as opposed to a basement.  We took full advantage and decorated outside.  In the interest of saving money (I just recently found out it does not actually grow on trees), we re-used pumpkins, lights from my birthday party, and a sled my brother made me a long time ago.  Here are some pics!

I LOVE this sled.  Caleb (and Daddy) did a great job!

I also re-used some wedding decor.

Red and green was all I had, but they turned out alright.

***Christmas flag coming soon!***

Love my quilted snowman that I got from a craft fair last year.

Someday we will get all fancy with icicle lights stuff, but these work for this year :)


Thursday, September 27, 2012


It's FALL!  

How is it already almost October (my favorite month, by the way).  Midterms are coming up already!!  I have some great blogging ideas coming up, so get ready!  

As per usual, I will be giving you a list and a preview.  Lists are great ways to catch up really quickly, so that is always my fall back. 

So what have the Doughtys been up to?

  1. We got a kitten!!  I probably blogged about this, but it's important so I'll say it again. :) 

2. We got another kitten!!  You can't have just one kitten.  With me starting school in August and both of us being away from home 2 days a week for long periods, we needed a friends for our little kitten.  So that is what we did.  

They are best friends now.
3.  We visited an Alpaca farm.  This past weekend we took a second trip to the farm to help with health day.  If you want a good story, ask Jon why he did not help with health day.  Here's a hint: it involves needles and almost fainting.  Here are some pics:

4.  I made these pumpkin snickerdoodle cookies twice.  They are SO good.  Recipe HERE

Pumpkin Snickerdoodles, for the fall  

5.  I cut my own bangs!  I was really scared to botch this because anyone who has done this before knows if they are to short, you're in for an awkward haircut until they grow out.  I think they turned out alright.
Yes, I'm wearing a wife beater.  Also, I am wearing Jon's  super comfy Star Wars  pajama pants.  It was late and  I had already settled in.  And yes, I did my makeup for the sole purpose of taking the picture to post online.

So not a whole lot is new.  I'm plugging along with my classes and looking forward to winter break already. :)

Fall is my favorite season, so you can look forward to (hopefully) more blogging about this beautiful season!


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Jake's Law

mur·phy's law/ˈmərfēz/

A supposed law of nature, expressed in various humorous popular sayings, to the effect that anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

You are all familiar, I hope, with Murphy's law.  Well, ladies and gentlemen, its new name is Jake's law (Jon's term).

My brothers, Jake (9) and Sam (8), came back to our house with us this past Sunday night.  We live over 2 hours from my parents.  We arrived late Sunday night and we all went to bed.  The boys woke up promptly at 7:30am.  They played with each other while I dragged myself to the shower to get ready for the full day of fun we were going to have.  We cleaned out my car and jumped in.

My car's check engine light was blinking and there were funny noises/rumbling coming from the engine.  Great.

So, instead of all the fun we had planned, we managed to get the car to the the shop that was under a mile (.9 to be exact!) away.  On the way back we stopped at the restaurant on the corner and ate lunch, stopped at the ATM at the gas station across the street from the restaurant, stopped into the little food store to get dinner stuff, the finally at the "junk store" to get a movie.  We live in a very small town.

The walk back wasn't bad at all and the boys seemed to be having a good time.

All in all, Monday wasn't bad.  It was a bummer we couldn't do the things we wanted to, but the alternative wasn't bad either.  

Tuesday was a doozy.

My morning started at 4am with a tap on the shoulders from Jake.  he was having an asthma attack.  Oh, also he forgot to pack his inhaler.  Fantastic.

So, 30 minutes later we are on our way to the ER to take care of that.

It takes 3 hours, 2 breathing treatments, and more meds to get him breathing right again.  Finally we get to go home and out of the FREEZING hospital.

With this sudden turn of events, it is decided that he has to go back to my parent's house since it was,  most likely, the cat that messed up his breathing (our cat is more fluffy than theirs).

Jon worked from home to allow me to use his car.  I already had to go to traffic court in Richmond for a speeding ticket I got in June (while I was lost over an hour from home, looking for a stinking Michael's Arts and Crafts!).

So I bring the two boys to court with me--talk about a fun time!  But I decided we would stop at Busch Gardens on the way home and make a fun day out of it.  So that is what we did.
Riding the tram to the park.
But Jake's Law strikes again.  While we were eating dinner a HUGE thunderstorm came.  It literally downpoured  for an hour.  The park was flooding, all the rides were closed, and we were hiding under an awning waiting for it to stop.
We decided to win a few prizes while we were waiting for the rain to stop.  I now own a Jamaican banana.  Be jealous.

This doesn't even begin to show you how much rain there was.

So we ran to the car while the rain was not as hard.  Jake was crying because he was sad I had to bring him home (also, he had been up since 4am so he was probably a little tired).

I dropped them off at home, said hi to everyone really quickly, then grabbed a Monster energy drink and drove 2 hours back home.

Then I passed out.  That was one of the longest days with a lot driving I have ever had.  I love my brothers!

But seriously, Jake always has the worst luck.  He has the most broken bones, asthma, he always gets hurt playing outside.  Poor buddy.

I am grateful I can rest today and maybe catch up on sleep/refill my energy :)


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Gold Mining Like a Boss

Saturdays at home (not to be confused with "home") are a rarity.  We seem to be at our childhood homes more than at the one we pay for every month.  Since we had not been home for a whole weekend in 6 weeks or so, we decided to soak up the local history and visit the local Gold Mining Museum.

I was excited to go, but never thought I would have as much fun as I did.  We were the ONLY ones at the museum.  It consisted of three buildings: the main office, bunk house, and mess hall.  All were staged pretty well and were fun to look around.

Enjoy the pics (there are a lot of hubby pics)!

Jon liked dressing up.

These were what tumbled the gold and ore.

Panning for the gemstones

It was super fun!  Also, it was free (minus the small donation we gave and the sand/gemstone packs we bought, which made it a $11 date).

Check out what local history museums are in your neighborhood, you might be surprised!
