College grads are either gearing up to take finals or are just waiting as final preparations for graduation are taking place. If you have a special graduate you need to buy a gift for (or you want a cool way to display postcards), here is the perfect fast and easy project for you!
I was inspired to make this display after I found a book of postcards in a box of junk from Jon's old apartment. I knew EXACTLY what I wanted to do with them and had a trip to HomeGoods to thank for bringing my vision together.
All you need is:
This frame was only $10 on clearance! I lucked out on this one, but similar ones can be bought for a low price at Walmart and Target. (links have frames that are similar) |
POSTCARDS! This one was a whole book of postcards Jon got for free at VT, but almost every school has postcards. |
TAPE! Any kind of clear tape will do.
All you do is line the postcards in the frame and tape them together. I recommend taping from the back so you can't see the tape.
Like I said, this can be done with any kind of postcard for any occasion. Mother's Day is coming up too! You could put postcards of your mom's favorite place or places. It's an easy different kind of gift that looks like it cost a million dollars at the gift shop! If only I thought of this when Jon graduated! P.s. mine are not completely finished, I want to put something in the middle as soon as my printer works!
I've been meaning to make a similar thing at my place for ages, with trip memorabilia. You've inspired me to get started today! :)